Ermer & Suter, PLLC, is general counsel to the SAMBA Federal Employees Benefit Association (“SAMBA”). SAMBA is the carrier of the SAMBA Health Benefit Plan, which is created by a federal contract between SAMBA and the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (“OPM”) under the Federal Employee Health Benefits Act, 5 U.S.C. Ch. 89.

SAMBA’s benefit payments are reimbursed from the U.S. Treasury. SAMBA’s contract requires SAMBA to notify recipients for erroneous overpayments of their obligation to refund such overpayments to SAMBA. The requirement is backed up by the Federal False Claims Act, which imposes penalties for failure to refund monies owed to the U.S. Treasury. Such inaction is known as a reverse false claim.

If a provider who receives an overpayment notice from SAMBA does not respond to SAMBA’s notices, SAMBA refers the case to us for further action. Please cooperate with us.

If you receive a letter from us about a SAMBA overpayment, please contact Rachel Fielkow at 202-627-3104 or [email protected]